Counselling Articles

What is my path?

What is my path?

You could call this the existential question that rests on the lips of the young, middle aged and even the old. For some this question hangs around like a bad smell all our lives as we take our hand at this and that never fully reaching our potential. For others they are lucky enough to…

Christmas! A time when families come together the best they can.

Christmas! A time when families come together the best they can.

Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way…..Christmas! What happens for you when you hear that Christmas Carol?  Joy, excitement, connection, belonging are you salivating at the thought of Rum balls! Or do you feel a sense of dread, loneliness, disconnection, anxiety an emptiness that leaves you with no appetite for the festive season at…

Motherhood Unmasked!

Motherhood Unmasked!

Without a doubt becoming a mother is a wonderful and joyous time where you are filled with love, elation, excitement and gratitude. Your new little bundle of joy! While this is true, (especially when they are sleeping or feeding well) what about the times when your reality is not one of joy but of frustration,…

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