Counselling Articles

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome does it affect you? Imposter Syndrome! Do you feel like you shouldn’t have been promoted, be in a certain job or been accepted into University? Does it feel like pure luck that you are there and not down to the results of your own skill or hard work? Do you fear that you…

Group work improves your relationships!

Group work improves your relationships!

Group work improves your relationships! Life is about relationships and Group work can help improve you relationships. We are constantly interacting and being in relationship whether it be with yourself, your partner, your family, work colleagues, your pet, or people in the wider community. We are all interdependent and rely on each other to survive….

Understanding teenagers

Understanding teenagers

The teenage years can be a very tumultuous period in one’s life, which not only impacts the individual but also their family. As a Gestalt Psychotherapist I have often heard parents and teenagers talk about the distress they are feeling around the lack of understanding in their relationships. It is all too common that communication…

How can I change?

How can I change?

Have you ever thought I would like to change that about myself, like I wish I could say what I think, or be more accepting of myself for who I am. Feeling stuck in a way of being that no longer serves you is a difficult and painful place to be, a place you want…

What are Emotions?

What are Emotions?

What are emotions? We all have emotions however more often than not people are very unfamiliar with their emotions and how they feel. Our emotions and how we feel are very important as they both are responsible for directing most of our behaviour and informing our needs. Being able to recognise, feel and name our…

What is Shame?

What is Shame?

The discomfort of shame – is it useful? Shame is a universal human experience that most of us have experienced at one time or another. It can range from mild embarrassment to the acute states of panic or paralysis. Although shame is a very uncomfortable emotion to feel it does serve a purpose. In essence…

What is Embodiment?

What is Embodiment?

Are you embodied and what does that even mean? What is Embodiment? In its simplest term embodiment is the expression of our bodies, it is the way we are. We interact with the world from our bodies and we can do this with or without awareness. If we do this without awareness it can be…

Life – a series of beginnings, endings and transitions

Life – a series of beginnings, endings and transitions

The overarching theme of Life is beginning and ending. We are born and then we die and in between these two points exists a series of endless beginnings and endings, whether it be relationships, situations, places we visit, emotions, conversations, illness and the list goes on. How well we move through (or even notice), beginnings…

Depression Counselling – Coolangatta

Depression Counselling – Coolangatta

Depression counselling. Depression can be deeply debilitating and 1 in 7 of us will experience it in our life. People who experience depression often feel isolated, misunderstood and alone in their suffering and depression counselling can help. Often they feel an overwhelming sense of disconnection and hopelessness. Depression (as most of you are aware) is…

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