How Gestalt therapy can help with Asperger’s

Gestalt therapy methodology emphasises and centres around the importance of the therapeutic relationship. One of the factors that a person with Asperger’s struggles with is relationship, thus Gestalt therapy provides an excellent vehicle to assist the person to explore how they are and what they feel, when engaging with another.

Furthermore, Gestalt therapy is primarily based on building awareness and experiencing in the now what is happening for the client. The person with Asperger’s can benefit by becoming more aware of their triggers (or confusion) and then learning/practicing, in the now, with the therapist, different strategies and coping mechanisms to ease their distress.

There are many helpful tools for a person with Asperger’s to have access to in order to calm them-selves. Self soothing is an important self regulation technique for a person with Asperger’s to have, along with stress management techniques, mindfulness skills and social skills training. Self awareness and self acceptance are also paramount in order to allay the inner critique. The Gestalt therapeutic relationship provides a safe place for the person with Asperger’s to learn and practice these skills.